Industry 4.0 - an offer for logistics companies - Sagitum


Digital transformation of logistics

Are you looking for increasing efficiency and optimal management of the warehouse and logistics processes taking place in the company? Do you want to improve warehouse processes that now take too long? The answer to your expectations is the concept of Industry 4.0, which will bring the logistics area of your company to a higher level.


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What isIndustry 4.0in logistics?

Industry 4.0. it concerns broad integration and dynamic communication and information exchange between systems, technologies, machines, devices and people. This is a breakthrough that covers both the technological area of industry and business management.


In one sentence? Industry 4.0 means, among others, innovative solutions that will make the logistics area in your company work even more efficiently.



List of benefits of the solution


Improving logistics

COMARCH WMS and Expert WMS systems will facilitate the work of warehouses, allow for virtual planning of loading and unloading, optimize and automate data flow, improve contact with suppliers, allow for constant monitoring of deliveries and shorten sales and logistics activities.


Warehouse operation optimization

The WMS system will support the processes of receiving and locating goods in the warehouse, their issue and inventory. In addition, you will build an efficient warehouse structure, set management algorithms, assign instructions to employees and monitor the status and time of their implementation in a convenient way.


Convenience of management

Thanks to the implemented systems, you will have full control over the flow of goods in the company and easy access to detailed business data, which will allow you to quickly make the right business decisions.


Flexibility of solutions

By choosing our support as part of Industry 4.0, you can be sure that the implemented tools can be easily adapted to the new needs of your company.


Step by step implementation
of the platform

We divide the implementation into stages, within which we deliver subsequent parts of the process being built


Analysis and assessment of the current situation of the company

Includes the degree of computerization, the state of the machine park, competences and financial capabilities, as well as the development strategy for the next 5 years.


Verification and finding a way to finance the investment

Industry 4.0 solutions can be co-financed from external funds, at this stage of implementation we specify the details.


Selection of supplier/suppliers of modern solutions

The key selection conditions are: price, product, competencies and implementation time.


Pilot stage

At this stage , we verify whether the designed and implemented solutions work and meet the expectations of your company.


Data analytics

The answer to the question to what extent the processes implemented as part of Industry 4.0 affect the operation of the company.


Creation of Industry 4.0 culture in the company

Time to define internal assumptions and cooperation.


In which companies will Industry 4.0 work?

The concept of Industry 4.0, along with its typical solutions, applies to enterprises whose key areas are logistics and production.

It will work well in logistics companies that care about streamlining processes, increasing efficiency and optimizing business management, including convenient access to data.



Frequently asked questions and answers

If you have any questions, write us and our expert will contact you.

Is my company ready for the implementation of Industry 4.0?

The answer to this question should appear after the implementation of the first step, i.e. the analysis and assessment of the current situation of the company.

Do we have to finance the implementation of proposals and solutions related to Industry 4.0. from our own resources?

No. You can apply for external funding. In most cases, Industry 4.0 solutions are externally funded.

What benefits will the implementation of Industry 4.0 bring to our company?

– increasing production efficiency thanks to the automation of the machine park and specific processes,

– faster and more precise business decision-making based on reliable data,

– the ability to respond more efficiently to changing customer expectations,

– increase in the company’s competitiveness,

– ensuring data cybersecurity,

– prediction of events in production thanks to the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.


Do you have a question about Industry 4.0 in your company?

We are looking forward to your message.

Sebastian Wolski

Sales Director


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