Sagitum - How to automate processes to effectively manage the company?


How to automate processes to effectively manage the company?

Bet on an ERP system that will automate time-consuming and repetitive business processes. You will find that managing your company has never been so convenient.

See problem description


Employees carry out repetitive processes in the company manually

Delays, errors and difficult access to data make it difficult for you to manage your company's resources?


  • Automation of business processes

  • Elimination of human errors

  • Data security


No centralized system with one common database

Individual departments in the company are not based on the same data.

The need to enter the same data several times by different employees

For example, the warehouse accepts goods for stock and the logistics department in the office must manually generate an external GRN receipt document.

Costly and time-consuming execution of business processes by employees

For example, the need to manually generate demand for goods whose stock is approaching or has exceeded the allowable minimum stock.

Human errors made during manual data entry

Example 1: manual addressing of envelopes for mailing by an employee. The system can automatically generate labels with shipping addresses available on contractor cards.

Example 2: manually setting prices for customers on orders, during which all discount conditions for the customer are not taken into account. The system can automatically calculate the price based on configured and entered assumptions.

Lack of employees' time for creative tasks and operations

Employees are preoccupied with the implementation of time-consuming and tedious processes that could be carried out by a system or machines.


We present
solutions to the above problem


List of advantages of our solutions




time-consuming and repetitive activities

Elimination/reduction of human errors


Elimination/reduction of human errors

no need to repeat activities

Saving time and money


Saving time and money

by taking over the implementation of time-consuming activities by the system

Data and process security


Data and process security

thanks to backups

Acceleration of business processes


Acceleration of business processes

sales, purchasing, production, accounting and HR

Elimination of paper records


Elimination of paper records

documents and data

Possibility to automate any process


Possibility to automate any process

from automatic sending of e-mails to customers, to the automation of raw material orders for production purposes

Ability to generate advanced analyzes


Ability to generate advanced analyzes

based on complete data from various areas of the company's activity


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We provide innovative and modern IT solutions. ERP systems, workflow, WMS, systems supporting business processes in the enterprise. See what we can do for your company.

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